Details of the Armistice Agreement

The Armistice agreement, also known as the Korean armistice agreement, was signed on July 27, 1953, between the United Nations Command (UNC), the Korean People`s Army (KPA), and the Chinese People`s Volunteer Army (CPV) to bring an end to the Korean War.

The agreement resulted in a ceasefire that ended hostilities and established a demilitarized zone (DMZ) that separated North and South Korea. The DMZ is approximately 250 kilometers long and 4 kilometers wide and serves as a buffer zone between the two countries.

The agreement also established a Joint Military Commission (JMC) to oversee the implementation of the ceasefire. The JMC consisted of representatives from UNC, KPA, and CPV and was responsible for monitoring and enforcing the terms of the agreement.

The armistice agreement was not a peace treaty and did not officially end the war. However, it did help to stabilize the situation on the Korean Peninsula and prevent further escalation of hostilities.

The agreement also contained provisions for the exchange of prisoners of war and the repatriation of civilians. Both sides were required to release all prisoners of war and civilians within sixty days of the signing of the agreement.

Despite the ceasefire, tensions between North and South Korea have remained high, and both countries have continued to maintain large military forces along the DMZ. The absence of a peace treaty has also meant that the Korean War technically continues to this day.

In conclusion, the Armistice agreement was a significant milestone in the Korean War and helped to bring an end to the fighting. The establishment of the DMZ and the JMC has helped to prevent further hostilities between North and South Korea, although tensions between the two countries remain high.

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